Today a post on Spectrum complained about the lack of persistence for the weapon groupings of your spaceship. Those of us using dual stage triggers know the problem well. Depending on your weapon loadout you may want weapon group 2 as your first stage trigger with weapon group 1 as your second stage trigger. And of course, this assignment differs between the various ships.
As part of the reply, out of the blue Yogi stated that “they were quite satisfied with MM”. As you might expect, that drew howls of laughter from many of us including me.

Which Citizens?
The comment has backers asking exactly who is this group of citizens? Seemed that the comment singularly included the MM devs. I of course, took the opportunity to make a few suggestions which immediately drew a couple of likes. But when I went back to review the thread my comment was no where to be seen and I was only able to view my post by clicking on the notifications icon.
Fortunately I only use Spectrum from time to time as it often goes on and on with citizens talking past each other. From time to time citizens are castigated by self appointed white knights. We all know who they are. Similar to many social media platforms, it/they are generally useless cesspools.
The Post
Yogi walked right into this.
As I said before we’re pretty happy with the MM changes.
My reply
Seems like a singular point of view considering how obtuse MM is to use. Some suggestions for 4.0:
Engaging NAV mode should be made more user friendly by the following:
a] Engaging NAV mode should not engage the QD as the drive is not needed to go Mach 3.
b] Shields, weapons, and counter measures should remain active in NAV mode but should not recharge in the case of both weapons and shields.
c] When you activate QD THEN AND ONLY THEN weapons, shields, and counter measures should be disabled. You absolutely do not need the QD HUD overlay just to go Mach3.
d] The time to switch in and out of NAV mode from/to SCM should be greatly increased.
The other annoying issue is boost should not engage if already at max velocity/acceleration, it feels like a 1st year engineering student designed the system as your boost is drained for no reason. And for the life of me can you get rid of space drag????
The deceleration that occurs when engaging the landing gear is cartoonish at best.
I have not and do not enjoy MM in its current state and my views are shared by a great number of citizens I have had the pleasure of flying with.
So please, go back to the drawing board and make MM something that is more realistic and does not smack of a 90’s era nintendo game.
And while I am still playing I am trying my best to avoid any of this so called WWII dog fighting in space. It feels like it belongs in a cartoon and is not realism dialed back to fun. It is not fun at all and it is just annoying.
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