I recently completed a Gunship 101 training class with ShadowFox and finally flew RSI’s Constellation Andromeda which is free to rent in Arena Commander. Our instructor was quick to point out that crews of gunships are quite often expendable during fleet operations. That is, you should expect to die as gunships are there to tank. Of course with four size 5 Gladereens at the ready you certainly can dish it out too.
We spent much of the training session practicing de-coupled “drifting” amongst the landing pads working on our orbits followed up with some 1v1 action. Our instructor strongly favors the Connie over the other available gunships and after spending some time in the pilot’s chair it is easy to see why with over 4 dozen missiles at your command and protected with a size 3 shield.
Run AV1, Run
Our instructor saved the best for last as he queued up our wing of 6 Connies into Squadron Battle where we hoping to find some real action. We were not disappointed as we ran into AV1 dominating the battle. The tide quickly turned as our squad entered the fray and quickly established a killing field that was hard to escape. AV1 apparently still smarting from the loss of the ridiculous tri-cording feature whereby the over powered MAV thrusters provided unintended longitudinal Gs, was flying a M50 interceptor.

Of course AV1 had but one recourse as he tried to escape to the AOE boundaries running for his life. Our squad of Gunships racked upped 10 kills with the single loss due to rookie pilot error.
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