The latest 3.24 patch recently released featuring physicalized cargo and personal hangars has once again reminded us we are still in alpha. The initial weeks have been marked by several hoftix releases. Apparently there were a number of cargo hauling issues. Not sure how that passed review. (recently attributed to citizens abandoning cargo missions, ie entity garbage collection)
Regardless I have had spent some time learning to move cargo containers and stack them neatly in various locations and ships. Not bad. Your new hangar does take some getting used too. The hangars do make it a snap to get a close look at many of my ground vehicles since I no longer had to fly off to a special POI. And wow, staging a ship is now a breeze.
New tools
I also looked at a couple of tools I had previously ignored. The Cambio SRT (Salvage and Repair Tool) by Greycat Industrial and The MaxLift Tractor Beam, a handheld tractor beam also manufactured by Greycat Industrial. The MaxLift is a must have in your hangar with its increased range and ability to move larger objects. The distance between your ships’ cargo grid and the storage hangar can easily be 50m or more. Using The TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment for the Pyro RYT Multi-Tool can be more than tiresome.
Emergent Ground Salvage Operations
To check out the Cambio SRT I queued up some low level bounty missions hoping to track my soft kills to the ground. I say queued up due to the many vulkan crashes occurring at the start of combat. The DirectX option messes with my browser windows something fierce. It was during one of these attempts I experienced the dream first hand.
After downing my targets I lost site of my prey as they fell to the ground. Scanning did reveal some unknown targets. As I approached one of them I noticed a connie illuminating what appeared to be the wreck of catepillar, similar to some of the mercenary missions. Except there was no apparent ground PVE.
So landed my F7A MKII at the far end of the wreck SITE opposite the connie and headed to the wreckage to explore. While inside one of the cargo bays I heard gun fire. Oh shit. Outside I noticed some a-hat trying to poke holes in my fully charged shields with his pop gun which turned out to be a P4. Damn, why won’t my trusty arclight equip?
My Revenge
While that fool did not look to be making any progress downing my shields I needed it to stop. Without use of my sidearm I took advantage of that citizen’s backside and pushed ready to mash my middle mouse button. Ha! I was soon looting his Artimex gear and moving the boxes closer to my ship. The hornets look to be one of the few fighters that have local storage so I loaded up my loot with room to spare. He could keep the p4🤣.
Time to go check out that connie I thought to myself. After about 50 meters I again heard weapon’s fire and a cutty buzzed overhead. It was jousting my landed position 🤔. I assumed this was my prey’s rescue party and that cutty did have bigger guns! Running back to my ship I could see that dead citizen’s body flying through the air. If he wasn’t dead before, he was now. I was able amid the rain of fire to hop in my cockpit and takeoff.
Once airborne that cutty did not stand a chance in hell. My F7A lit him up. Must say, it has been a while since I really smiled playing. I hope to smile more in the future.
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