Face it. Keeping a ship operating in the verse ain’t cheap. Bar back at the local watering hole won’t cut it. And even the most hardened criminals in the verse need cash flow. With several wipes under our belts, I have had the opportunity to test various bootstrap economic alternatives short of starting a Twitch stream with subs whom anoint my account with the creds they earned grinding in the verse.
There are some virtuous souls that want to start out life in the verse with just a starter ship and earn their way to the top. I tried this out during 3.15 in an Aurora LN vowing to use it for my first million creds. Good news, you can actually accomplish this feat. I only made it to $500k though as rearming the missiles was difficult at best. I was spending too much time chasing a full missile loadout. I later learned the missile issue was systemic when I switched to other ships to continue hunting bounties.
My go to financial bootstrap is of course bounty hunting. Now that Delphi is up and running, perhaps they’ll stop wiping rep. Trading requires capital and up until recently was very risky due to server disconnections and crashes where a single server loss could wipe out days of hard work. I lost roughly a quarter of the 1 million 1 time stipend CIG generously gifted after the last wipe to those server crashes.
I admit, spending time cracking rocks at Klescher wasn’t in the cards. I spent all of my prison time offline. Asteroids on the other hand, could be fun. Enter the first ship in my fleet, the Prospector. For some funny reason(Vulture loaner) I have two of them.

Now this is cred grinding!
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