I was really, really looking forward to the release of the PU patch 3.18.0 as my experience in the PTU was lots of fun. As expected, when launched Friday March 10, 2023 we experienced the anticipated log jam trying to access the game. We saw the same ridiculous queue times of over 500,000 seconds(138hrs) during wave 3 of the PTU. So that happened, again.
Finally Saturday morning I cleared the login jam and started jamming! This was going to be great! I had ironed out my starting strategy in the PTU and was eager to start grinding to earn enough creds to upgrade the couple of dozen ships in my fleet.
Then the shit hit the fan as I 30k’d, got UNSTOWED, never to access the game again.
I was reduced to angrily watching twitch streamers whom other than janky gameplay, didn’t seem to have trouble getting into and out of the verse. The only streamer I noticed having issues was Avenger__1 who recently published a vid exposing the NightCity hackers. So it remains.
Mercy me, after two sessions in the 3.18.1 PTU – I checked the PU and I am no longer UNSTOWED banned!
Total banned time was

Yes, players other than streamers have made it into the game only to be met with DB issues affecting inventory services, the ASOP terminals, and the missions. Still, you can eek out a good time if you try hard enough and if you are lucky enough to squeeze through the gates of the current partial outage.
Use referral code STAR-62W5-FRT9 and join us in the stars. And be sure to claim your additional 50,000 credit bonus!