WOW! 3.17 has been a nice ride. As I took a breather, I ran into a droid that claimed it knew me, that I had been severed from the force for far too long. Fascism was rapidly consuming our galaxy and I was needed elsewhere.
Fascism is thought to have started in a forgotten place, long ago buried by the ocean. A place called Florida.
BD-1 reminded me that the upcoming 3.18 patch included a wipe, so gains from further grinding would soon be lost along with several million aUEC (credits) spent on numerous ship upgrades and personal gear. Further pilot training has certainly been clouded by “Master Mode” and its state of flux – kept out of site as a well guarded CIG secret.
I first learned the ways of the force in “Knights of The Old Republic”, an XBox classic. It was the last time I held a controller other than to check out Battlefront and Squadrons, neither which impressed. But KOTOR left vivid images in my dreams.
Update: The remake of KOTOR appears to be dead.
None of the on-rails based Star Wars PC titles found early on could compete, although I took some solace in “Star Wars Galactic Wars” and “Empire at War”, both strategy game play(RTS). Of course along came “Star Wars the Old Republic” and I experienced my first MMO.
“Jedi Fallen Order” plays like “KOTOR” but on a much faster scale. While not a new release, it certainly looks great and playable. I look forward to reestablishing my connection to the force.
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