Posted as a tribute to the “knife fighting” FM that captured my imagination.
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Wing Commander Christoper Blair
Star Citizen
Posted as a tribute to the “knife fighting” FM that captured my imagination.
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Use referral code STAR-62W5-FRT9 and join us in the stars. And be sure to claim your additional 50,000 credit bonus!
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UPDATE: Two of the three blockers for MMO play discussed near the end of this clip have been addressed and released into Star Citizen, namely Object Container Streaming and Persistence. The persistence is still WIP but takes it’s second step in the upcoming 3.17 patch. Server meshing is still classified as soon(tm).
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Use referral code STAR-62W5-FRT9 and join us in the stars. And be sure to claim your additional 50,000 credit bonus!
As we have come to expect from CIG, the new technology and features coming to fruition during the past year are showcased during CitizenCon using a canned demo. This year was no exception. The demo took the form of a multiplayer mission used to showcase several new exciting developments including Planet Tech V4, a unique new systemic rendering system that derives displaying the surface of a planet using temperature and humidity along with some physical maps to greatly improve the clarity of the planets and moons.
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Chris Roberts gave an excellent presentation during last year’s CitizenCon 2948 event of the key pillars or milestones that succinctly define the development of Star Citizen, the online multi-player game. From the days of the first hangars back in 2013 until the time we can enjoy the first iterations of Beta much has and will be accomplished.
With CitizenCon 2949 days away I thought it would be a great time to review the framework set out by CR at last year’s event.
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Much of the year has been a huge disappointment for Glaive owners as the ship, in general, has failed to live up to expectations of being a kick ass medium fighter. The ship leaked boost fuel excessively and it’s cannons were nerfed.
So it was when I called up the Glaive over at Levski (Delamar) to run some 8k bounty missions. Much to my surprise, even with the default loadout, the Glaive lived up to the high expectations I have always had for this alien based fighter.
The handling was smooth, shields adequate, and the fire power of those two size 5 WRATH Plasma cannons is back!
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Many of the vids on this topic are dated and stale. It was nice to run across this fairly new series by BuzZzKiller. He clearly describes the ins and outs of almost every option available for use with Star Citizen. So without further ado:
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Chasing bounties continues to be one of my favorite “grinders” in the verse. You can easily collect on half a dozen bounties in an hour. This is one such bounty.
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