The alpha 3.4 patch started quite rocky but last week’s 3.4.3 patch cleared up nagging issues resulting in some damn good game play time. The crash recovery feature works fairly well now which is a big boon to the economy.
The naysayers were no more than that and the future of Star Citizen is looking promising. I must admit, this video brought a tear to mine eyes.
The Corporation, still smarting over their rekt performance against Nomadsoul’s Diamond Shredders, posted a question on Spectrum. One(1) Hammerhead or seven(7) fighters? I think that is the wrong question!
Here is more of the battle:
I suspect Cintra left out the mission objectives in her question, in this case I will assume she is talking about defending a cargo convoy. We came in with a Hammerhead sporting a crew of 4 and 3 medium fighter support ships. Since we were targeting cargo ships, medium fighters would be more effective taking down the larger targets.
Flying a Glaive I provided close support for the Hammerhead operating to a large extent inside the firing bubble of the Hammerhead where I was free to engage targets without becoming defensive. Our targets were so focused on the Hammerhead I was largely ignored.
Fighting within the Hammerhead’s firing bubble also meant that I didn’t need to mash the AB/Boost buttons and as a result I remained in the fight while my two wing mates left the fight early to refuel. Unfortunately the Glaive, despite having two fuel intakes, does not regenerated boost fuel.
So I suspect the answer to Cintra’s question is neither.