This ERT bounty was going to be tough, a hammerhead.
As luck had it, coming in behind some asteroids, a PVP target “Mastrum” came under my pip first. Not my best flying with a bit of lag, still, I got in some nice hits before Mastrum knew I was there.
I switched off Mastrum to engage Les Shadwick, and while I got the kill – Mastrum made me pay registering Aggravated Criminal Damage against me.
My mistake, only thing left to do was to point my guns and pull the trigger.
Soon enough, Mastrum became a Citizen of Interest.
CIG seems to have throttled access to the PTU for at least this wave 1 volunteer. I did get an early chance to tour Orison, an expanse much to large to navigate on foot. I am not sure what the static about shuttles on Orison was about (glimpsed on one of Lando’s shows a week or two back), but yeah, there were shuttles. Did I say the place was HUGE?
Accessing the PTU is spotty at best as various backend services are being outfitted with the Steaming Entity Graph objects or are being used to gate traffic until the DB upgrade is complete. The SEGs were formally known as icache. The store’s structure seems to be largely complete wrt to this patch, but I suspect much data has yet to be transferred. Checks of the various components reveals that some components may not differentiate themselves much if at all. Some on Spectrum have posited work scheduled for 3.15 may be being moved forward and tested.
Let’s just say that it is not likely that CIG would be experimenting with 3.15 features while 3.14 remains languishing in the PTU. Far more likely is that loading up the SEG requires far more data than originally anticipated, it is a DB after all! Equally likely, there are 3.15 core features needed now and CIG is correctly biting the bullet and is spending the time to get the Steaming Entity Graph objects completely integrated into thousands of entities that now comprise the game.
As of this update, backend server login servers are up and running while character generation is not. It is also unlikely that the ship refactoring for the “capacitor” update is complete. My initial bounty run featured TTK times are bit too long for my liking. AC and SM also spawn your toon in a vacuum and thus neither is playable at this time.
Looks like a big push to get SQ42 released is on for next year as Sandi and Chris announce they are moving to England next year to be with the SQ42 team.