Wing Commander Privateers takes you to the seamy side of the Star Citizen universe where elite bounty hunters engage Citizens of Interest.
The Xenothreat blockaide continues to isolate pirates, merchants, militia and mercenaries in the Stanton System where the struggle to make quick creds in the shadow of the Assault on Stanton is a real world crucible of fascist capitalism in the 30th century.
The CDF, under recent attack as the Civilian Defense Farce, has helped push back the invaders from Pyro by offering a pile of creds to civilians.
Who in turn have bravely pushed XenoThreat back to the Pryo system on multiple occasions. If this keeps up we can once again expect to see the jumps between Pyro and Stanton open for travel.
On this frontier, opportunity abounds for the resourceful and the ruthless. You choose your own destiny as you seek to survive, improve your ship(s), and make a lot of creds.
Perhaps you too, will become a Citizen of Interest.
Low atmosphere bounties
Just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.
When 900 years old you reach, look this good you will not!
Faith is an irrational belief in something that is logically impossible.
К черту Путина, к черту фашистского Трампа, к черту фашистского СРН, к черту мага-фашистов и к черту NSAF
J’emmerde Poutine, j’emmerde le tRump fasciste, j’emmerde le RNC fasciste, j’emmerde les fascistes maga et j’emmerde la Nsaf
Pilgrim Heavy Polaris Class Flagship
Wing Commander Privateers’ Flagship
The Polaris is a nimble corvette-class capital ship that packs a powerful punch with a full armament of turrets and torpedoes. Intended for use as both a naval patrol ship and to serve as the flagship of militia operations. The Polaris has the capacity to perform search and rescue operations, light strike missions and general security patrols. The Polaris includes the facilities to repair, rearm and refuel a single fighter, light bomber or support ship.
The Pilgrim “Heavy”, Serial: RSIP-01818, was acquired during the first Militia Mobilization Initiative which is aimed at arming the civilian population against the threat from the Vanduul. Needless to say I jumped at the opportunity to make the Polaris my flagship.
Wing Commander Privateers’ Acquisitions
More recently, I am pleased to announce that Wing Commander Privateers was able to melt some little used hardware and acquire a Banu Merchantman during IAE 2952. The BMM had jumped ahead of the Polaris in CIG’s schedule. Recent news that CIG encountered some staffing issues for the BMM project did not deter the CCU as eliminating heavy fighters from the fleet only increases fleet strength while awaiting FM updates.
During IAE 2953 I was able to juggle the CCU for the BMM with some melting and buy backs and came out with an addition CCU for the Blade. In addition a gold ticket was obtained near MicroTech and despite a nearly fatal 30k a new F8C Lightning was added to the fleet!
While the BMM temporarily languishes due to labor shortages, RSI announced that the Polaris has completed a concept model internal layout rework! The interior was completely reworked and the size of the ship was only slightly increased. The entire lower deck now houses capital class shields, a capital class power plant, and capital class coolers. The landing hangar has been upgraded to size XS able to house a sabre. The brig, first class medical facilities, crew quarters, and the recreation facilities remain.
RSI’s announcement was important as RSI has introduced a new modular ship dubbed the “Galaxy”. The announcement has been met with skepticism. Can RSI deliver any ship larger than a connie?
This work permits the Polaris to be inserted into CIG’s schedules as time become available. This has resulted in an unprecedented announcement from CIG that both the BMM and the Polaris will be delivered in 2954.
Inside Star Citizen: Finding the North Star
I believe having both the Polaris and the BMM as capital ships will be an essential backbone anchoring our fleet. Come join us!
Status update: The RSI Polaris began its whitebox pass with a thorough breakdown of the content required. The team then imported the concept mesh and completed a basic entity setup. A rough interior whitebox was completed, and several undisclosed issues with the concept were resolved.
Status update (Nov/Dec 2023): the RSI Polaris passed its whitebox review gate and progressed into the greybox phase where all of the surface modeling and animations will be completed. Emphasis was on modularity for the interior to improve reuse and scalability.
Status update (May 2024): CIG has officially announced delivery of our Polaris during the upcoming IAE celebration later this year in addition to featuring the Polaris at flyovers during this year’s Invictus celebration!
Welcome to Wing Commander Christoper Blair‘s Wing Commander Privateers.
Decades ago there were but a handful of reasons to own a pc. Wing Commander was one of them. While those handful(s) of reasons grew over time, nothing had quite recreated the sense of adventure that came from pushing those early boundaries. Until recently.
zero hostile contacts remaining
Training Mission: Aurora LN, Vanduul Swarm, Jan 26, 2016
Chris Roberts of Wing Commander fame, put together one of the biggest Kickstarter campaigns ever seen back in October 2012 and he never looked back. With over $400 million raised by “backers” and a $46 million investment dedicated to promote the upcoming single player “Squadron 42”, Star Citizen is slowly developing into the game of dreams.
By the time 2.0 dropped I was hooked and pledged an Aurora LN. Soon after that – I turned in all my light sabers to focus on learning to fly.
you became an ace
Training Mission: Hornet 7FC, Vanduul Swarm, April 10, 2017
As primarily a bounty hunting organization with Pilgrim roots, “Citizens of Interest” can always be found inside.
I recently completed a Gunship 101 training class with ShadowFox and finally flew RSI’s Constellation Andromeda which is free to rent in Arena Commander. Our instructor was quick to point out that crews of gunships are quite often expendable during fleet operations. That is, you should expect to die as gunships are there to tank. …, the architect long known for his thoughtful reviews of some of the ships of Star Citizen offers up his pre-release WIP evaluation of the the RSI Polaris Capital combat ship. His extensive walk thru of the Polaris is a helpful vid boot strapping your training of many of the features you will need to …
Quite often I’ll wake up and a song will be reverberating inside my head. This morning was no different as the haunting melodies from Chris Isaak sweetly rocked back and forth in my mind. Perhaps my recent promotion to Wing Commander during this year’s IAE had my subconscious wondering if Star Citizen was indeed a …